Chiropractic Care & Services

BalancedKinetix is dedicated to providing excellent chiropractic care for you & your family to ensure a longer, happier life.

BalancedKinetix Top Priority Is Getting You Back To A Healthier, Pain Free Life!

Santa Clara Chiropractor

Detecting the true cause of your condition is Dr. Huang’s focus. He seeks to find and correct joint restrictions that affects the health of your nerves, ligaments, discs, and muscles. It is possible for you to have restrictions or misalignments in your body for years without noticing any effects. Eventually conditions may worsen to the point where you begin to develop symptoms.

Dr. Huang is specially trained to evaluate your spinal column and extremities for any restrictions and dysfunctions. Joint restrictions can cause dysfunctions in your nervous system by “pinching”your nerves, and may alter your overall health and performance. If the nerve impulses traveling through your body are weakened by misalignments or joint restrictions, the affected areas of your body will not be able to function properly. This may cause delayed firing in muscles and improper mechanics to the rest of the body & often results in illness and/or pain.

Our Approach

This is a patient-centered practice with a hands-on approach. People of all ages benefit from the individualized care we provide. Our goal is to assist you in maintaining an active lifestyle. We are dedicated to giving you the highest quality care in a welcoming environment. We are passionate about improving our patients’ health each and every day.

Many of our patients find us after having tried what feels like “everything” -- only to wish they had seen Dr. Huang first. Don’t let that happen to you! Book an appointment today for a consultation and get the help you need.

Chiropractic Adjustments & Services


Spine & Extremity Assessment

We assess range of motion, stability, muscle strength, muscle tone and other assessments with the neck and back.

Spine & Extremity Mobilization

The goal of this procedure, also known as manipulation, is to improve motion and improve your body's physical function.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)

Manipulation under anesthesia is a simple and safe fibrosis release procedure (FRP) that increases range of motion and reduces pain in a joint such as chronic low back pain (Kohlbeck, et al. 2005) & frozen shoulder (Kraal, et al, 2019) by reducing scar tissue that builds up around it after prior injuries or surgeries. All MUA procedures are performed with certified practitioners as well as a licensed anesthesiologist to ensure a painless and safe experience(Cremata et al 2005).

Cremata, E., Collins, S., Clauson, W., Solinger, A.B., Roberts, E.S. (2005). Manipulation under anesthesia: A report of four cases. Journal of manipulative and physiological Theraputics 28(7). 526-533

Kraal, T., Beimers, L., The, B., Sierevelt, I., Bekerom, M., Eygendaal, D. (2019). Manipulation under anaesthesia for frozen shoulders: outdated technique or well-established quick fix? EFFORT Open Reviews, 4(3)

Kohlbeck, F.J., Haldeman, S., Hurwitz, E., Dagenais, S. (2005). Supplemental care with medication-assisted manipulation versus spinal manipulation therapy alone for patients with chronic low back pain. Journal of manipulative and physiological Theraputics 28(4). 245-252

chiropractor for dancers


Dr. Huang specializes in working with dancers who are restricted due to discomfort in the lower leg areas. Dr. Huang is a specialist when it comes adjusting feet and making sure to get you back dancing in no time.

foot pain chiropractor

Limb Pain & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pain and dysfunctions in any part of the limb can affect anyone’s ability to function and lifestyles. Dr. Huang is trained to evaluate and manage these dysfunctions by considering one’s lifestyle and prior injuries.

may thai chiropractor

Muay Thai

Dr. Huang is a muay thai instructor in Santa Clara. He enjoys working with athletes and martial artists that struggle with joint pain. Dr. Huang is dedicated to helping clients regain mobility, reduce pain and re-align problem areas on the body that might be restricting you from what you love to do.

Conditions Treated

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Disc Herniations

  • Scoliosis

  • Headache

  • Jaw pain/dysfunctions

  • Hip/Leg pain

  • Foot/ankle pain

  • Neuropathy

  • Sports Injuries

  • Pregnancy pain

  • Tailbone pain

  • Rib Pain

  • Shoulder Injuries

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Elbow/wrist pain

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome